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Commit 7b098ead authored by Bruce Sherwood's avatar Bruce Sherwood
Browse files

Add two new demo programs

parent fa2e29e9
Tags 1.0.9
No related merge requests found
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import ipywidgets as wd
from vpython import *
scene.width = 600
scene.height = 600
show = 'box'
last_show = show
R = 0.4 # radius of sphere
D = 0.7 # size of box
texs = [textures.flower, textures.granite, textures.gravel, textures.metal, textures.rock, textures.rough,
textures.rug, textures.stones, textures.stucco, textures.wood, textures.wood_old,]
bumps = [None, None, bumpmaps.gravel, None, bumpmaps.rock, None, None,
bumpmaps.stones, bumpmaps.stucco, None, bumpmaps.wood_old]
texnames = ['flower', 'granite', 'gravel', 'metal', 'rock', 'rough', 'rug', 'stones', 'stucco', 'wood', 'wood_old', 'earth']
bumpnames = [ None, None, 'gravel', None, 'rock', None, None, 'stones', 'stucco', None, 'wood_old']
labels = []
def erase():
objects = scene.objects
for obj in objects:
obj.visible = False
def show_object(index, x, y):
T = texs[index]
B = None
# Bump maps aren't very salient unless one moves the light or rotates the object,
# so don't bother with bump maps unless there's an option to move the light or object.
#if (bumps[index] !== null) B = bumpmaps[bumps[index]]
if show == 'box':
c = box(pos=vec(x,y,0), size=D*vec(1,1,1))
elif show == 'sphere':
c = sphere(pos=vec(x,y,0), size=D*vec(1,1,1))
elif show == 'cylinder':
c = cylinder(pos=vec(x-D/2,y,0), size=D*vec(1,1,1))
elif show == 'cone':
c = cone(pos=vec(x-D/2,y,0), size=D*vec(1,1,1))
elif show == 'pyramid':
c = pyramid(pos=vec(x-D/2,y,0), size=D*vec(1,1,1))
c.index = index
c.shininess = 0
c.texture = dict(file=T, bumpmap=B)
labels.append(label(pos=vec(x,y-.5,0), box=0, text='textures.'+texnames[index]))
def start_setup():
scene.range = 2.2
scene.fov = 0.2 = vec(1.5,2,0)
scene.forward = vec(0,0,-1)
#scene.visible = False
index = 0
y = 3.3
while y > 0:
for x in range(4):
if index >= len(texs): break;
show_object(index, x, y)
index += 1
y -= 1.3
def end_setup():
#scene.visible = True
scene.title = 'Click an object to enlarge it.'
def setup():
#scene.caption = "Loading textures..."
#scene.waitfor("textures") # not yet implemented in Jupyter VPython
m = wd.Dropdown(options=['box', 'sphere', 'cylinder', 'cone', 'pyramid'], value='box',
description="Change the type of object: ")
container = wd.HBox(children=[m])
def m_handler(s):
global show
show = s['new']
m.observe(m_handler, names='value')
hit = None
clicked = False
def click(ev):
global hit, clicked
hit = scene.mouse.pick
clicked = True
scene.bind("click", click)
def single_object(index):
erase() = vec(0,-.1*R,0)
scene.range = 1.5*R
show_object(index, 0, 0)
scene.title = 'Click anywhere to see all textures.'
picked = None
while True:
if show != last_show:
last_show = show
if picked != None:
if clicked:
clicked = False
if picked != None:
picked = None
elif picked == None and hit != None:
picked = hit
hit = None
%% Output
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-e56d5972c79e> in <module>()
103 while True:
--> 104 rate(30)
105 if show != last_show:
106 last_show = show
C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\vpython\ in __call__(self, maxRate)
204 if (self.rval != maxRate) and (maxRate >= 1.0):
205 self.rval = maxRate
--> 206 super(RateKeeper2, self).__call__(maxRate)
208 if sys.version > '3':
C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\vpython\ in __call__(self, maxRate)
194 while True:
195 renders += 1
--> 196 self.callInteract()
197 self.renderIndex += 1
198 if self.whenToRender[self.renderIndex] == self.rateCount:
C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\vpython\ in callInteract(self)
96 def callInteract(self):
97 t = _clock()
---> 98 self.interactFunc()
99 dt = _clock() - t
100 if self.count == 1: self.renderTime = 0.005 # first value is abnormal; make small nonzero
C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\vpython\ in sendtofrontend(self)
174 l = len(a)
175 #baseObj.glow.comm.send(list(a))
--> 176 baseObj.glow.comm.send(encode_attr(list(a)))
177 a.clear()
178 while l > 0:
C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\vpython\ in encode_attr(L)
139 s += val
140 else:
--> 141 s += "{:.16G}".format(val)
142 #print(sendtype, s)
143 #sys.stdout.flush()
TypeError: non-empty format string passed to object.__format__
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from vpython import *
scene.width = 600
scene.height = 600
show = 'box'
last_show = show
D = 0.7 # size of box
R = .4 # radius of sphere
names = ['flower', 'granite', 'gravel', 'metal', 'rock', 'rough', 'rug', 'stones', 'stucco', 'wood', 'wood_old', 'earth']
Ts = [textures.flower, textures.granite, textures.gravel, textures.metal, textures.rock, textures.rough,
textures.rug, textures.stones, textures.stucco, textures.wood, textures.wood_old,]
bumps = [ None, None, 'gravel', None, 'rock', None, None, 'stones', 'stucco', None, 'wood_old']
labels = []
def erase():
objects = scene.objects
for obj in objects:
obj.visible = False
def show_object(index, x, y):
T = Ts[index]
B = None
# Bump maps aren't very salient unless one moves the light or rotates the object,
# so don't bother with bump maps unless there's an option to move the light or object.
#if (bumps[index] !== None) B = bumpmaps[bumps[index]]
if show == 'box':
c = box(pos=vec(x,y,0), size=D*vec(1,1,1))
elif show == 'sphere':
c = sphere(pos=vec(x,y,0), size=D*vec(1,1,1))
elif show == 'cylinder':
c = cylinder(pos=vec(x-D/2,y,0), size=D*vec(1,1,1))
elif show == 'cone':
c = cone(pos=vec(x-D/2,y,0), size=D*vec(1,1,1))
elif show == 'pyramid':
c = pyramid(pos=vec(x-D/2,y,0), size=D*vec(1,1,1))
c.index = index
c.shininess = 0
c.texture = dict(file=T, bumpmap=B)
labels.append(label(pos=vec(x,y-.5,0), box=0, text='textures.'+names[index]))
def start_setup():
scene.range = 2.2
scene.fov = 0.2 = vec(1.5,2,0)
scene.forward = vec(0,0,-1)
scene.visible = False
index = 0
y = 3.3
while y > 0:
for x in range(4):
if index >= len(names): break;
show_object(index, x, y)
index += 1
y -= 1.3
def end_setup():
scene.visible = True
def setup():
#scene.caption = "Loading textures..."
#scene.caption = ""
scene.caption = "Choose the type of object: "
def choose(c):
global show
show = c.selected
menu(choices=['box', 'sphere', 'cylinder', 'cone', 'pyramid'], selected='box', bind=choose)
scene.append_to_caption('\n\nClick an object to enlarge it; then click anywhere to show all objects again.')
hit = None
clicked = False
def handle_click(ev):
global hit, clicked
hit = scene.mouse.pick
clicked = True
scene.bind('click', handle_click)
def single_object(index): = vec(0,-.1*R,0)
scene.range = 1.5*R
show_object(index, 0, 0)
picked = None
while True:
if show != last_show:
last_show = show
if picked != None:
if clicked:
clicked = False
if picked != None:
picked = None
elif picked == None and hit != None:
picked = hit
hit = None
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
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